On September 16, 2020, the China Nuclear Power Research and Design Institute organized an acceptance meeting for the reactor ultrasonic decontamination device project undertaken by Zhejiang Bofine Power Equipment Co., Ltd. in Haiyan.

The meeting set up an acceptance team to listen to the report on the manufacturing of the reactor's ultrasonic decontamination device, consult the relevant documents, and witnessed the commissioning of the main equipment on site.


The materials submitted for acceptance are complete and valid, and meet the requirements for acceptance. The manufacturing and testing of the ultrasonic decontamination device for the reactor, the supply quantity, and the functional indicators of the equipment all meet the requirements.
This was originally an almost impossible project, but after the joint efforts and hard work of the reactor ultrasonic decontamination device team, they worked overtime, day and night, cooperated and supported each other, and finally completed on schedule, passed the acceptance, and obtained China Nuclear Power Research. Unanimous praise from the design institute. It embodies the spirit of Bofine and wins honor for Bofine!